Monday, December 27, 2010

From Scratch...

I love all things pumpkin...bread, pie, pancakes, muffins, seeds, get the idea. I get excited for fall and winter time when you can find just about everything pumpkin flavored. So when I was put in charge of making the pumpkin pie for Christmas day, I was more than happy to do it. Then I suddenly realized that you can't just run to the grocery store in Cambodia and buy pumpkin in a can. You buy the pumpkin at the market, cook it, and mash it before you can mix it in. Logically I knew this, but I am so used to the canned stuff. So I made pumpkin pie...really from scratch.

It was peeled, boiled and then I busted out the mortar and pestle to mash it. It is made of SOLID stone and weighs about 30 pounds (ok, so I didn't actually weigh it, but that's my guess at least). My friend thought I was strange for taking pictures of the progress, but this was definitely a first for me.

And it turned out pretty tasty. I think I might be doing this more often now that I know what to do...bread will be my next pumpkin goodness.

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