Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Business Trip?

Today was my first day at work and at the morning meeting, I was told/asked about going on a little "business trip" to Atlanta. There is going to be a concert night at Six Flags and we are setting up a booth with information about the base here in Charlotte.

The catch: the event is from 12 midnight to 6 am. And we are driving down this Friday at 3 pm, setting up the booth, starting at midnight, and leaving at 6 am to return to North Carolina. Can we say energy drinks?

Despite the long hours and mass amounts of caffiene I will have to consume, I think the thing I dread the most is getting back in the car...again! I just seem to keep having to make long journeys by car and should be used to it by now. First it was the trek across the states, then the 6 hour drive to and then back from the beach this past weekend and now to Atlanta this coming weekend.

I have to look on the positive side of it all and be excited about the opportunities I have had to get to know my car mates very well. Below is Alicia and I on day 3 of our drive to North Carolina. We were still smiling, so that was a good sign (and we had just a had a great lunch and most of all, we were out of the stinkin' car!) Love ya, Alicia!

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