Monday, December 26, 2005


Merry Christmas! I hope that you all had a blessed day and enjoy the time you have with family and friends. I am sure there are traditions that you have for Christmas time, whether it's going to someone's house or how you exchange gifts. Whatever it may be, those traditions seem to bring comfort, knowing that things are the way they always have been. It gives a sense of steadiness in your life even when things around you are always changing.

My family has a few traditions that I know will never falter, like getting to open one gift on Christmas Eve, and knowing that the gift will ALWAYS be a set of pajamas. There is really no surprise about it and that's OK by me. Just as long as I get my pajamas.

In the past few years, we've added something new to our Christmas "festivities"...we have had Christmas morning in a hotel room. I know that sounds kinda strange and maybe not exactly ideal, but in all reality, it's not that bad. It usually means that we are having Christmas at someone's house that has so many people over that there isn't room there for our whole family to sleep (at least comfortably). And I figure if you have to stay in a hotel room for Christmas morning, it's not difficult to stay in a room like this one.

There was a regular sized room with the beds in it and then through the connecting door, there was a living room, dining room and kitchen. In total, the living space was as big as 3 hotels room side to side. And the bathroom definitely deserves mention as well...the tub was HUGE! I don't know the diminsions of it exactly, but the picture gives you a bit of a clue.

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