Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Deck the Halls...

This is Amy, another staff member, and one of the most amazing students, Susie.

Me with some of my favorite neighbors, Pete and Kizzy.

This is me between two lovely ladies...Brooke on the left and Karisse (a fellow Floridian and Flagler alum) on the right.

Two of my housemates, Jodi (l) and Alicia (r)

It's not very often that we get to dress up around here, but every December, we have a base Christmas party and so last Friday night, we all got to pull out the sorta fancy clothes and had a good time.

The leadership team serves all the staff and guests, which is nice because you can just find your seat and then relax and have someone wait on you. A nice treat. And we always have a talent show with various people, some with amazing skills and others that just make you laugh.

Our table found a lot of joy in pelting things at each other, all in good fun of course. it started out innocently enough, with candy wrappers and such. But it quickly progressed into candy still in the wrappers (not exactly fun if you get hit in the head). At one point, I even enlisted the help of a 2 year old to walk up to his dad and throw a roll at him. Of course the father then turned his son around and had him toss it back at me. Oh, the fun of getting a kid to do your dirty work!

All in all, it was a good night...lots of laughs and time spent picking up our mess afterward!

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