While we were on outreach, we would go around the group and do "highs and lows", with each person saying the best part of their day and the worst part. I figured tonight I would do that...share my high and low for the day. Here you go:
My high...some friends of mine came to visit me here in LA. Tony, Janine, and their son Josh, are out here in California for vacation so they came up to the base and got to see where I live and then we toured a little of LA...a couple of the "must do" things when you've never been here before. We had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen at the Kodak Theatre and looked at the different handprints at the Grauman Chinese Theater....took a drive through Beverly Hills...went to Santa Monica to see the street performers and walk along the pier. It was such a great afternoon and I am SO happy to have them here!
My low...once we made it back to my house, we were sitting around, having a great conversation when the situation turned a bit chaotic. Why? Because we had a four-legged, long-tailed visitor running through my living room and I was not feeling very hospitable. Tony was the more humane one in the bunch and wanted to catch and release it. That did not turn out as planned. Other than giving me a HUGE laugh as the 4 of us tried to catch a mouse, it did not bring results. That little sucker ran just past Josh and under the door and into the hallway...the way to all the rooms. I keep telling myself that it DID NOT run into my room and I blocked the space at the bottom of my door to keep him out. I am hoping with all I have in me that I am not keeping him IN my room instead.
I had a small instance with a mouse in South Africa as well. The quick version of the story -- for two nights I was kept awake because I heard something in my room. He was pushing papers around and even knocked a box of crackers off the shelf and tried to get inside. Hard to believe, but true! And in Africa, you never can be sure what it is that is terrorizing you in the night. After two different people checking my room in all the obvious places, I figured it had left. Much to my surprise when I opened up my back pack to start getting my things together to come back to the states...I didn't own anything gray and furry! My bag quickly got thrown out of the room as I yelled for one of the guys to come "dispose" of the creature. I am a self-proclaimed wuss when it comes to things like this so no comments on that! Once that was taken care of, I saw that the mouse had chewed through the different pockets inside so i no longer have different compartments...they are all connected now. And on top of that he had torn up a dollar bill and was nesting in my backpack! A bit presumptuous when he wasn't invited to set up camp in my room! And we are hoping this mouse here in LA isn't planning on a warm cozy place to live in my room either. Or my house at all, for that matter!