Thursday, September 30, 2010

T minus 2 months and counting...

Thursday, December 2, 2010...7:30 am.
Sit for many, many hours.
Look out the window and see this:

Phnom Penh, Cambodia!!

I am very excited to say that I purchased my plane ticket for Cambodia less than an hour ago! There is something about buying the ticket that makes this more of a reality for me. I don't have to answer people with a semi-question anymore when they ask when I'm leaving.

Guess I should to break out my lesson books from last year and try to brush up on my language skills. I remember some, but have forgotten most of what I learned. I am hoping that it will come back quickly once I get there, and I also plan to take a rather intense course at the university. It makes life so much easier when you understand the world around you!

I am also working on raising the finances I need for this move. It is getting to be crunch time now (seeing as how I am leaving in 2 months). I am looking forward to seeing how all of this is going to happen! If you want information on how to give a one-time gift or become a part of my monthly support team, let me know!

Cambodia, here I come!

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