Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Late Night Thoughts

Today was our first day back to teaching in the Harvester's Class after the Christmas/New Year's holiday break...and I think it started off well. The pastor spoke on outreach and a general word of encouragement that when the class is "over," it doesn't mean that their calling to be harvesters in Cambodia has ended.

This is something that I have actually been thinking about a lot lately. Before all this began, I said that my vision for this 6 months was to impart things that I have learned. My goal, if you can call it that, was to see the students step out in boldness to share with others around them. While I believe this has been happening, the word "impart" has been in the forefront of my mind.

I don't want to just tell them things I know...to teach them lessons on different topics. I want there to be broadening of their view of God and of themselves through God's eyes. I want there to be a change in the lives of each on of them. My hope is that this isn't just something they will look back on as an "accomplishment," but that there is something planted in the heart.

I can hardly believe that I am here for only two more months. Time has gone by so much faster than I anticipated. And while I say "only" two months, I should be saying "still" two months because there is so much that God is asking of me. He has asked me to love these people...this church...this nation...in a way that can only come from Him. And I do. And I want to see God's truth to shine here...through the students He gave to me teach and lead.

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