Saturday, November 01, 2008


No, I wasn't kidding...I really do wear the rubber boots, even if I am dressed up...
This was last weekend for our friends' wedding - Vuth and Neth (pronounced night). I was so excited to be here to share in this day with them. Neth has been living in the dorm with us for the last two months and it has been great to get to know here a little more. She doesn't speak English (other than some very basic words) and I speak about as much Khmer (which tells you how much English she speaks!) so it makes communication interesting. But we always find a way to say things, through smiles, other facial expressions and lots of actions and pointing.

Weddings in Cambodia are different than in America. They have their ceremony first thing in the morning (around 8) and it tends to last about 2 hours. Everyone goes home and comes back at 4 pm for the reception. There's food, music, and dancing. They LOVE to dance. And for anyone that knows me will be shocked to hear that I don't just sit in the chair and watch. There is no level of skill for dancing in me whatsoever, but I get up and do it anyway. I can almost imagine the shocked faces and laughs that some of you are trying to hold back right now. ;-) Thankfully, though, there are no pictures of that, so you are left to you imagination (I am not sure which is worse).

I am again fighting with blogspot to post pictures. Obviously sometimes it works and sometimes it makes the picture larger than the actual page. I don't understand. Oh well.


Andrea said...

I think the boots add a completeness factor to the dress...I may have to start a trend over here!

Amy said...

I love boots, no matter what they look like! Youre cute heather run!