Friday, October 10, 2008

By the light of a cell phone...

One thing is certain...Cambodia is HOT! 

I thought that I was sufficiently prepared being from Florida, experiencing the heat and humidity there.  Well, I was wrong!  There are some days that I feel like it is a little difficult to breath because the heat and humidity is so thick!  The major difference between here and America is that there, I would go from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car to my air conditioned work.  I didn't do much outside when it was dreadfully hot there.  But here you have no option...

Because of this fact (which I do not by any means want to sound like I am complaining), we have been "forced" to eat on the roof every night for dinner.  The sun goes down and there is a little respite from the scorching heat, but it is still hot.  We hope for a little wind while we dine up the light of our cell phones since there is no electricity.  The best part about it though is the friends that invite over to eat with us.  There are a couple regulars and we love to share this meal with them.  We end up sitting on the roof for hours talking about some pretty great things.  I have been so touched the last few days by the conversations I've had, amazed that God has blessed me with such an amazing group of friends here.  And while I am away from my family in America, these people have become my Cambodian family.  


Karisse said...

That sounds wonderful. Hot. But wonderful! :)

Vickie said...

Wonderful Heather! I would love to be partaking of a meal with you there! Quite lovely, hot, but lovely. Do you use candles at night?

My love to both you and Brittany. You have been in my thoughts and prayers quite regularly.

We miss you, but are shouting from East Talleyrand...Go For It! We love you!
