Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Beginning

Last Tuesday was the start of our missions class, which is called Harvesters. 

I've been here in Cambodia for 8 weeks, preparing and waiting for this to happen.  And when it did, something inside of was leaping for joy.  We have 12 students, all ready to learn and be changed and share God's love with others.  

We meet on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and the first couple classes were introduction, laying foundation on what the class is going to be and what it means to be a disciple.  One of the threads that ties it all together is the character of God.  Each class time, we are discussing one specific characteristic, using verses that they read and meditated on prior to meeting.  The first class time, we did an example on God as our friend.  A few people stood to share what the verses meant to them.  One guy stood and nearly preached a sermon.  He had main points and everything!  I was so excited to hear him share because I hang out and goof off with these guys all the time.  And I love it.  But what I love more is to hear their hearts, to hear what God is speaking to them, to hear their passion coming out.  And this was just the first class.  

Please be praying for the students as they continue to learn.  And for me as I continue to learn while I am teaching.  I am coming to a realization of the enormity of what I am much God has entrusted me with to be a teacher for these students and live my life alongside them as we learn about Him together. 

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