Sunday, December 04, 2011

One Year...

December 4, year ago today...

That was the day that Cambodia officially became home. I stepped off the plane and it was instant. This wasn't an outreach. This wasn't short term.

This was LIFE.

And during this past year, I have...
...woken up 365 times in a place that I love.
...been challenged and stretched in ways I didn't know were possible...or always think were "necessary."
...been misunderstood a great deal...and done a lot of misunderstanding myself.
...been hot and sweaty.
...learned to look forward to showers with cold water...and rejoice when I get hot water.
...laughed until tears were streaming and my cheeks hurt more times than I can count.
...been unable to answer grammar questions for my English students more than they like.
...accepted helmet hair as a normal thing.
...attended a lot of meetings that I only understand 50% of what happens.
...developed an addiction to iced coffee with sweetened condensed milk.
...painted church buildings.
...waited patiently (and not so patiently too) for the power to come back on.
...killed flies with rubber bands.
...paused for my sentences to be translated when I speak and teach (so I actually feel like I talk less here).
...shared love.
...missed my family and friends.
...prayed...A LOT.
...eaten more rice than I thought I could.
...learned to eat more (and dare I vegetables.
...been visited by friends from the States.
...struggled through Khmer language lessons to read, write and speak.
...seen motos transporting a limitless variety of items including people, chickens, pigs, refrigerators, and bicycles.
...had my heart broken for the things that break God's heart.
...taken LOTS of pictures.
...fed kids in the villages.
...had my calling confirmed time and time again.
...led others into the presence of God.
...followed with a desire to learn.
...helped with rice planting.
...been stared at, talked about, wondered about on pretty much a daily basis.
...squeegeed the flooded floor of my bedroom after a particularly hard rain storm.
...been to the beach 4 times.
...made new friends that bring such joy to my heart.
..."accidentally" climbed a mountain and rocks while wearing flip flops...and have the scars to prove it.
...given in to the temptation and spoken improper, broken English.
...lived well.
...had NO doubt I am supposed to be here in Cambodia.

I could go on and on and on. Suffice it to say, this year has been full. Refining. Rewarding.

And I am looking forward to what this next year (and hopefully many more after that) will hold for me. Thanks to all of you who have prayed, supported and love me to walk out this adventure. You are a part of my testimony.

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