Giraffe...Zebra...Wildebeast...Impala...Blessbok...These are a few of the animals I got to walk next to yesterday. We went for a bush walk on a game farm and it's amazing to realize that this is not a zoo and there are no cages that stand between you and these animals. Of course you can't get too close because they have a lot of space to run away, but it's quite an experience. And on the way home, we saw a rhino in another game park, wandering around close to the outer fence. So as most people would do, we quickly stopped, turned around and drove back to get a better look at an animal that we only see in a zoo in a small caged area. It wouldn't be a proper African experience without getting to see these animals. And we have another game drive planned for next week in a park with the "Big 5," which are the 5 most dangerous animals: Elephant, Lion, Water Buffalo, Rhino and Leopard. This time we will be in a car...
Other than the animal sightings, this last weekend was full of activity. On Saturday was the inagural mountain bike challenge for this area. The Waterberg Welfar Society (who we are working with) planned a bike challenge/race in order to raise money for the youth center they are building. So as a team we went out to work the race in various capacities. There were stations set up around the course for water and directing the riders. The entire day was a success and those who organized it are already thinking about what to do (and what not to do) for next year.
It's crazy to think that we only have 3 weeks left here in South Africa. We fly back to LA on May 29th. I will be there in LA for a week and then get on another plane to Florida for 3 weeks. I am looking forward to going home but I must admit I love being here in Africa and it will be sad to leave here as well.
Just a note on the last entry...I do greatly thank my good friend Karisse for typing up the blog entry and if I did have the capability of buying her such a hefty Starbucks card and a car, I would do it in a heartbeat. I do hope though that she will settle for a DRINK at Starbucks as we catch up on the last two months :-)